Happy Holidays from JONDO

A Thank You from JONDO for Your Loyalty and Understanding

Print on Demand Challenges Overcome in 2022

Like many industries specializing in manufacturing, 2022 was a difficult year for the print on demand industry. Impacts to supply chains affected operations while rising inflation took its toll on our costs and your sales. In response to these challenges, JONDO has done everything in our power to get through these tough times and continue to be a sustainable and reliable print manufacturer for your company.

Happy Holidays from JONDO

Optimized Supply Chain and Operations

JONDO continues to work at increasing efficiencies wherever possible– from increasing our integration platforms, to expanding our print on demand product offerings. In 2021, we completed the acquisition of Ecker Tiles, formerly Fredrix and our long-time canvas material supplier. This vertical integration with a key supplier for our most popular selling product, gallery wrapped canvas prints, gives us an unquestionable advantage. Ahead of peak promotional events and holidays, we work with our customers on forecasting to properly anticipate sales volumes and in response, adequately secure the required materials and labor in anticipation.

Happy Holidays from JONDO

In terms of facilities, JONDO now operates 3 primary factories in the west (Northern California), central (Texas), and eastern (Georgia) regions of the United States while maintaining our headquarters in Southern California. All 3 of these production facilities have been optimized for full U.S. coverage, and all now maintain a dedicated textile production line for custom pillows and print on demand blankets. We continue to expand our global print on demand facilities in Canada, the United Kingdom, Spain, and Australia with new product lines to meet the growing demands of those regions.

Happy Holidays from JONDO

Grateful to Our Customers

To the newer customers who have just recently started working with JONDO, thank you for entrusting us as your print on demand manufacturing partner. To our legacy customers who have been with us for years, thank you for your endearing loyalty and faith in the JONDO brand and product.

Looking Ahead

2023 is already looking to be a much more promising year, and JONDO is excited to continue to work with your respective brands on our mutual future success. Season’s greetings and happy new year to you all.

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