Time for a New POD Service Vendor in 2023?

Work With A Print On Demand Business Fulfiller You Can Depend On This Year

2022 Challenges Faced by Print On Demand Websites

2022 was a challenging year for some POD companies as supply chain shortages continued while inflation rose, driving up costs across the board. Their response to these difficult conditions may have exposed the weaknesses of those POD vendors, especially through the demanding holiday season in the 4th quarter.

Time for a New POD Vendor in 2023?

As we move into 2023, it is clear that the most well-positioned companies are the ones that will thrive and prosper amidst the current market conditions. It is important to then consider if your POD vendor is holding you back. Are they offering the full breadth of products that customers want from your POD business? Has your fulfillment partner’s supply chain proven to be dependable over the years and continue to be so? Does their logistics team have strong relationships with freight companies to always command the best prices? These are all important considerations to have when selecting which fulfillment company to use for your print on demand business.

JONDO is a Great Solution for the Best Print On Demand Sites

JONDO has been providing high quality custom printed products to artists, creatives, and businesses of all sizes for over 3 decades. POD companies can depend on us for print on demand order fulfillment when it counts for a variety of reasons.

Time for a New POD Vendor in 2023?

JONDO maintains a strong supply chain with our various raw material vendors. Through proper forecasting and planning, we properly secure the materials required to produce custom printed products for our customers to prevent and mitigate any sudden disruptions. Additionally, we have a vertically integrated U.S. supply chain for canvas materials via Ecker Textiles, which is a part of the JONDO family.

Our dedicated logistics team maintains strong relationships with our freight vendors and continually works to achieve the most competitive rates for our customers. Through this constant work, our team is able to identify the best freight vendors to use not just in the U.S. but worldwide.

Time for a New POD Vendor in 2023?

JONDO offers a diverse range of custom printed products including the following:

This comprehensive collection addresses the most popular product offerings customers want from print on demand websites. Our custom printed products are available globally via our standardized production facilities located in strategic regional locations around the world.

Time for a New POD Vendor in 2023?

The best print on demand sites should use a POD vendor that is dependable not only with supply chain but with production and software as well. JONDO is proud to be able to deliver on both fronts. Through a strong and well trained labor force that is scalable to the needs of our customers in conjunction with a standardized workflow that uses the latest in print on demand automation technologies, we are able to consistently produce high quality custom printed products throughout the year and during crucial peak holiday times. Our dedicated API solution for businesses offers features such as the ability to cancel orders and update addresses and ship types via API calls. This creates a more automated and independent approach without reliance on a back and forth correspondence with customer service.

Time for a New POD Vendor in 2023?

JONDO GO Quickly Services POD Companies of All Sizes

JONDO GO is an easy to use manual ordering platform that gives POD companies of all sizes access to the full JONDO product catalog as well as added features such as premium branding and white label dropshipping without the need for a full software integration. Print on demand websites of any size can use JONDO GO to quickly order one print or many via our Quick Order and Bulk Order tools.

Through the JONDO GO platform, JONDO was able to help numerous brands quickly launch their print on demand business throughout 2022.This was especially during the critical Q4 period for those customers with limited resources.

While print on demand websites may have many POD fulfillment vendors to choose from, not all of them will prove to be a reliable one that will help grow the POD business. JONDO is a reliable vendor that POD companies can count on to supply high quality custom printed products throughout the year. If you are interested in learning more about how to work with us, please contact us by filling out the form below.

    Main Info *

    Do you already have a website? *

    Where are you looking for product fulfillment? *

    What product(s) are you interested in? *

    How many wall décor prints do you average per month or forecast to average per month? *

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    For emerging businesses, we recommend 2 options:

    1. Access our direct wholesale order portal, JONDO GO, and begin fulfilling orders today. Learn more about JONDO GO.

    2. Sign up for free access to our Product Hub, a Sensaria integration that connects your e-commerce store to JONDO for fulfillment. If your business is still ramping up or has limited access to development resources, we recommend using the Hub for automated order fulfillment. This option works for Shopify, Esty, and Woo storefronts. Getting started is as easy as creating a free account and building your products from user-friendly templates. Register for your free account here to begin placing your orders today.

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    In addition to an API integration, JONDO offers two other options to send us orders for fulfillment.

    1. Access our direct wholesale order portal, JONDO GO, and begin fulfilling orders today. Learn more about JONDO GO.

    2. Sign up for free access to our Product Hub, a Sensaria integration that connects your e-commerce store to JONDO for fulfillment. If your business is still ramping up or has limited access to development resources, we recommend using the Hub for automated order fulfillment. This option works for Shopify, Esty, and Woo storefronts. Getting started is as easy as creating a free account and building your products from user-friendly templates. Register for your free account here to begin placing your orders today.

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    What is your website's e-commerce platform?

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    Does your company have access to software development resources?

    [/group] [group language clear_on_hide]

    If you do have developer resources, what server side programming language does your web developer or programmer have background knowledge in?


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