Lead With Care

Workplace COVID-19 Policy by JONDO

At JONDO, the health and safety of employees and visitors continues to be our top priority as we respond to the evolving COVID-19 pandemic. We have taken diligent health and safety measures in all areas of our facilities in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Health and the WHO (World Health Organization).

On-site Temperature Checks:

JONDO has on-site temperature screening at all locations, using hands-free Face Scan technology (facescanusa.com). JONDO employees are required to self-administer a temperature scan upon entering and leaving the building.

Education & Awareness:

JONDO conducts regular safety meetings throughout all facilities to help employees understand the measurements that must be taken to prevent infection. In addition to the safety meetings, we have posted signs through all facilities, reminding staff to property and frequently wash and and practice social distancing – thereby educating and empowering employees to take care of themselves and each other.

Face Coverings:

Face coverings are required at all times. The exception is during lunches and breaks in designated areas. Masks are provided.

Facility Cleaniness:

Across all facilities, we have increased staff to clean our facilities during all hours of operations. We are committed to daily cleaning routines that help prevent the spread of illness in our facilities. Frequently touched surfaces, such as workstations, keyboards, telephones, handrails and doorknobs, as well as all common areas used by employees, are meticulously cleaned and sanitized regularly.

Hand Washing/Sanitation:

In addition to readily available hand sanitation stations placed throughout our facilities, we have created a Hand Washing Policy for employees to wash or sanitize their hands as follows.
– After clocking in and before going to a workstation
– After using the restroom
– When changing tasks (for example, when working in the shipping department and moving to the stretching department)
– After touching hair or nose or coughing or sneezing
– After eating, drinking or smoking
– After handling garbage
– After any other contamination to the hands

Social Distancing:

– We have limited the number of people allowed in all our buildings in order to properly social distance – in compliance with CDC guidelines.
– We have modified production and office workspaces in order to allow for appropriate physical distances between employees.
– All employees are required to keep at least 6 feet (about two (2) arms’ length) from others.

Plexiglass Barriers:

Plexiglass barriers have been installed at workstations and in eating areas in order to further protect our employees.

Employees Feeling Sick:

We have informed all employees that if they are feeling ill, they are to stay home and seek medical attention if necessary.

Our goal is to create awareness and make a positive impact on our JONDO community by taking this precautionary measurement. We are committed to continuing to work in concert with the appropriate agencies to determine the proper steps to keep our employees and customers safe.

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